Intensive Couples Therapy

Some situations are intense

Intensive therapy sounds like CRITICAL care! Right?

Couples don’t need to be at the breaking point or on the brink of splitting up or divorce to consider doing intensive therapy. If there is an option for intervention, why wait? Avoid the point of no return.

The feeling of significant and serious problems in your relationship may be recent. An unexpected event may have happened, and it has thrown you “for a loop.”

Perhaps, the safety and trust you once shared has been threatened. Living like roommates rather than as a couple may have taken its toll.

When infected with a life-threatening form of pneumonia, you want to seek treatment. Why not do the same thing when your marriage is threatened?

Intensive therapy can be a stabilizing treatment for many couples. It can jump start your healing process and create an accelerated sense of working together to save your marriage.

When is intensive therapy a good option for you?

Feelings, events, and desires can create rifts in a marriage relationship. Sometimes these problems cannot be solved without therapy. A bare-knuckle approach simply is not working.

Although both of you want a marriage that works, your relationship is in crisis, and divorce is a real possibility.

You find that you are in a pretty good place with your marriage but are longing for a deeper emotional bond.

It is impossible to stop the constant “battling” between the two of you.

Your relationship feels distant, more like roommates. Finding the way to each other is difficult.

Inconsistencies in schedules and travel for your jobs make it difficult for you to schedule and keep regular weekly appointments with a therapist.

You want therapy that is kept private from your community.

You live out of town and would like a “getaway” to Oxford, while spending time reconnecting and restoring your marriage at the same time.

You may want to address issues in your marriage through intensive and accelerated therapy.

Any of these situations may motivate you to seek intensive therapy. The primary goal is to repair a marriage that is in jeopardy.


All options can be scheduled as either initial sessions or after the beginning of traditional weekly sessions. Together, you and your counselor will determine if intensive therapy is appropriate and beneficial for you.

  1. Half-day sessions can occur in the morning or afternoon and typically last 3-1/2 to 4 hours. Couples often choose half-day meetings for their initial session. This accelerates your therapy, because the entire assessment and information gathering is completed in one day.
  2. One-day intensive sessions are typically 6 to 7 hours long. There is a break for lunch, and the session is broken up into morning and afternoon meetings.
  3. Two-day intensive sessions consist of 5-1/2 to 6 hours of therapy per day, with breaks for lunch each day. This is ideal for out-of-town couples, as well as couples just seeking a jump start into healing their marriage. You can see the advantage.

Follow up is recommended for all intensive couples counseling. This can be done through either our counselors at Wright Counseling Group or with another EFT couples therapist. If you choose the latter, we will gladly assist you in finding a therapist in your area.

Is it worth it?

Although a good question, the answer is yes.

Consider intensive therapy as one of the most important investments. It can provide a valuable experience of actively improving your relationship. It is an investment in your marriage, your family, and your future!

Committing to improving your marriage is an investment that keeps giving back.

Choosing not to invest is the other side of the coin. In this case, your relationship gets worse, you divorce, and you could end up paying far more on a continuing basis.

The financial and emotional implications of divorce can be devastating and long term. Your marriage deserves your attention and support. The counselors at Wright Counseling Group can provide you with the support and help you need.

Ready for Connection?

If you are interested in one of our intensive therapy options, please call (662) 202-7332 today to talk to one of our counselors. We promise to give you our undivided time and attention.